Journey into the world of hearing

This 'General Audience' section is intended to:

  • provide information about all aspects of hearing and its main pathologies, deafness and tinnitus,
  • caution against the danger of overstimulating the ear.

Looking for more detailed and technical informations?
Visit the section " Students and Professionals".

Play a 5 min video* which explains " How the ear works"

*This voiced video (with captions) has been made, mainly from the website material, at the Virginia Merill Bloedel Hearing Research Center (J. Rubinstein Dir., E.W. Rubel's lab), U. Washington, Seattle. Thanks to the Hearing Health Foundation!

Directeur de rédaction et d'édition : Rémy Pujol
Directeur Adjoint : Jean-Luc-Puel
Drawings and animations: Stéphan Blatrix
Réalisation technique et administration : Stéphane Le Merre
Aide technique d'appoint : Thierry Pujol